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Terry Gour, NorthPath Founder

Terry's Path

Leading any organization can be extremely challenging. As an entrepreneur himself, he understands these challenges because he’s lived them firsthand. He credits his decision to hire a leadership coach as one of the best professional decisions of his life. He’s experienced the amazing transformation an effective coach had in his organization and wants to partner with you to make that same difference. 

Terry is a Maxwell Certified Leadership Coach. He is trained and mentored by Dr. John C. Maxwell, the #1 leadership expert in the world. He is equipped with the tools, resources and experience to help you and your team improve productivity, performance and profitability.

Terry has coached clients both domestically and internationally and is the founder and CEO of NorthPath. NorthPath is a leadership and culture development company focusing on helping leaders take their next steps.

Coaching needs two
things to become successful: 

A coachable client and
an effective coach. 

A coachable client is someone who seeks and wants coaching.  They are flexible and open to change.  An effective coach is focused on the vision of the client being a catalyst for helping others grow.

Terry will never forget listening to John Maxwell teach the difference between success and significance.  John teaches that success is when we add value to ourselves, but significance is when we add value to others. 

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